

The IFPC credential is conferred for a three-year period; certificants will receive an email notice three months prior to the expiration date of their certification reminding them that recertification is coming due. The certificant can renew their IFPC credential using one of the following options:

  1. IFPC certificants may choose to re-take the IFPC examination. Those who re-take the IFPC examination and pass, will automatically extended their credential for another three years.
  2. IFPC certificants may choose to obtain USD(I&S)-conferred or -recognized intelligence tradecraft certification. IFPC certificants who receive a USD(I&S)-conferred or -recognized intelligence tradecraft certification will have their IFPC credential renewed on the same date the secondary certification is conferred. 

At that point, the IFPC credential is maintained as long as the certificant continues to maintain the USD(I&S)-conferred or -recognized intelligence tradecraft certification. In order to recertify using this method, IFPC certificants must submit a copy of their USD(I&S)-conferred or -recognized tradecraft certification (with conferral and expiration date clearly visible) to the CPMO as evidence prior to the expiration of their IFPC; all submissions should be sent to

A list of USD(I&S)-conferred and -recognized certifications is presented below. This list is not definitive and is subject to change; IFPC candidates should contact the CPMO at for an updated list or to ask about a specific certification.

  • Certified Defense All-Source Analysis Level 1 (CDASA-1)
  • Certified Defense All-Source Analysis Level 2 (CDASA-2)
  • Certified Collection Management Professional – Fundamentals (CCMP-F)
  • Certified Counter-Insider Threat Professional – Fundamentals (CCITP-F)
  • Certified Counter-Insider Threat Professional Analysis (CCITP-A)
  • GEOINT Professional Certification – Aeronautical Analysis (AA-II)
  • GEOINT Professional Certification – Applied Science (AS-II)
  • GEOINT Professional Certification – Cartography (CA-II)
  • GEOINT Professional Certification – Fundamentals (GPC-F)
  • GEOINT Professional Certification – GEOINT Collection (GC-II)
  • GEOINT Professional Certification – Geospatial Analysis (GA-II)
  • GEOINT Professional Certification – Geospatial Data Management (GDM-II)
  • GEOINT Professional Certification – Human Geography (HG-II)
  • GEOINT Professional Certification – Imagery Analysis (IA-II)
  • GEOINT Professional Certification – Imagery Science (IS-II)
  • GEOINT Professional Certification – Maritime Analysis (MA-II)
  • Joint Intelligence Planning Certification

Reinstatement of Expired Credentials

Individuals who fail to meet the certification maintenance requirements every three years will receive a notice from the CPMO that the credential has expired. Individuals who allow their IFPC credential to expire must apply as new candidates and meet all of the requirements in place at the time of application.