Overview: The Certified Defense All-Source Analysis (CDASA) professional certification program is part of an ongoing Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (USD(I&S)) initiative to professionalize the DoD intelligence workforce. The CDASA professional certification program is an important element to meet Defense Intelligence Enterprise demands for an integrated, agile, knowledgeable, and professional intelligence workforce that can thrive in a dynamic environment. .png)
The CDASA-I certification has been accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). NCCA accreditation is the national “gold standard” for programs that certify professionals.
The program assesses eligible candidates’ knowledge and performance of all-source analysis skills, and emphasizes continued analytic competence through lifelong learning and practice. The program plans to have three progressive credentials, each building on the competency and knowledge of the one before. The Certified DoD All-Source Analyst I (CDASA-I) credential is currently available to all DoD Civilian and Military personnel who perform all-source intelligence analysis functions and meet eligibility requirements. The CDASA-II and III credentials are currently in production/planning phases and release dates will be updated as that timeframe becomes clearer.
Requirements: The CDASA-I credential is conferred by the USD(I&S) on DoD Civilian and Military (to include Coast Guard) all-source intelligence analysts who:
Are in good standing with their respective components;
Have two years of validated analysis experience;
Achieve a passing score on the CDASA-I exam; and
Read and sign an ethics statement.
The CDASA-I credential is valid for five years. After five years, certificants must recertify by either retesting or advancing to CDASA-II.
Enrolling in the exam: Candidates may enroll in the CDASA-I exam through AGILE on JWICS (https://agile.dodiis.ic.gov/). In AGILE, search for “DIA-INA-CUR-5000”, then enroll in a day, time, and location that best meets your schedule. Exams are offered at no cost to candidates at more than 23 approved component-operated exam facilities around the world. The exam is currently administered on JWICS. All candidates must have an AGILE account on JWICS to enroll in and take the exam.
Details on the CDASA-I certification program can be found in The CDASA Candidate Handbook. The Candidate Handbook and other documents such as Program Instructions and the Learning Reference Guide are available as a free download on the JWICS website.
The CDASA Program Management Office (PMO) is the point of contact for exam administration of the credential and can answer questions about the program.
Contact information:
Intelink: https://intelshare.intelink.gov/sites/diteb/DIA/_layouts/15/start.aspx - /SitePages/Home.aspx (access requires Common Access Card sign-on via CAC reader; user may need to request access to this page)
CDASA PMO Email: DIA_NEDIAC_Professional_Certification_PMO@dodiis.mil
JWICS (please log into JWICS to access these links):
Website: https://intelshare.intelink.ic.gov/sites/dia-training/ADI/adi1/Pages/All-Source.aspx
CDASA PMO Email: DIA_NEDIAC_Professional@coe.ic.gov
The CDASA Candidate Handbook, Program Instructions, and Learning Reference Guide are available as a free download on the JWICS website.