Certified Counter-Insider Threat Professional (CCITP) Program

The CCITP Program is the first certification program within the U.S. federal government to be developed jointly by representatives from both the Department of Defense (DoD) and the broader U.S. Government (USG). Because of this joint effort, the scope and applicability of the CCITP Program applies to all Counter-Insider Threat (C-InT) programs within Departments and Agencies across the U.S. federal government. The CCITP Program offers two certifications that were both accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) in January 2021.
Certified Counter-Insider Threat Professional – Fundamentals (CCITP-F) .png)
The CCITP-F provides a recognized and reliable indication of an individuals’ understanding of foundational concepts of the knowledge and skills annotated within the CCITP Essential Body of Knowledge (CCITP-EBK) to perform the tasks outlined in the CCITP-Essential Body of Work (CCITP-EBW).
Certified Counter-Insider Threat Professional – Analysis (CCITP-A)
The CCITP-A provides a recognized and reliable indication of an individuals’ ability to apply foundational concepts of the knowledge and skills annotated within the CCITP-EBK to perform the tasks outlined in the CCITP-EBW.
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