Register and Schedule

Individuals interested in taking the assessment must follow these steps:

1.     Visit to register as a candidate.

  • Register using an email address you can access regardless of any changes in your location. 
  • Complete the demographics portion of registration. 
  • If a member of the military or a DoD civilian, confirm status by inputting DoD email address following completion of demographics. 
  • If you are a contractor, enter your company’s CAGE code (found online using a CAGE code finder) and your company supervisor’s name and email.
  • Confirm you are a U.S. citizen.
  • The last step includes attestation that your information is accurate and complete. If you have not seen this page, you have not completed your registration.

2.     Schedule your exam.

The IFPC is offered at all Pearson VUE Testing Centers worldwide! With locations throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, Pearson VUE centers will meet the testing needs of most members of the Defense Intelligence Enterprise. Centers are located on over 100 U.S. military bases and in numerous cities in multiple countries. To find a location near you, please use the "Find a Test Center" or "Find an On-Base Test Center" functions provided on the IFPC page on the Pearson VUE site.

  • Once you have registered, you will receive an email from Pearson VUE telling you when you are cleared to schedule your exam. Contact Pearson VUE using the information on that email and schedule your exam at the location of your choice.
  • If there is not a testing site near you, contact the IFPC Program Management Office for other options. 
  • NO SHOW POLICY: The Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)) covers the cost for military and civilian members of the Department of Defense to participate in the IFPC exam. However, if a candidate does not cancel or reschedule a confirmed exam at least 48 hours before the scheduled time or does not show for their scheduled exam, USD(I) will still be charged the test fee as if the candidate had attended. Therefore, please make all efforts to make your scheduled exam date, or reschedule in time to meet the Pearson VUE deadline. If an individual is a no-show for two exam iterations, they will not be allowed to participate in the IFPC program, unless they submit a waiver request with an explanation as to why they were unable to make their scheduled sessions. 

Testing, Appeals and Waivers

Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall
IFPC exams take a total of 110 minutes, with 20 minutes for administrative steps and 90 minutes to complete the 90 multiple choice items.  IFPC exams are administered at approved testing sites in a quiet, secure, proctored environment. 

Candidates will receive instructions from their testing site regarding forms of ID required to check in, recommended check in time, and what items are allowed in the testing center.

Immediately following the completion of the online IFPC exam, candidates will receive an online score report which includes a single overall score, a pass/did not pass result, and a summary of performance in each of the eight knowledge domains covered in the exam. The results will also be sent to the candidate in email form. Those who take the paper-and-pencil option will receive their results via email within 10 working days of completing the exam. 

The online score report and the feedback report email do not constitute a certification conferral. Communication regarding conferral of the IFPC credential will occur separately. Click here for more information regarding the conferral process. 

Exam Security and Confidentiality 

To ensure the integrity of the IFPC program, all questions and answers developed to create the exam are “For Official Use Only” and are not authorized for public release in any fashion.

Appeal Requests

A candidate and/or certificant may appeal any of the following to the CMPO:
  • Failed examination result
  • Candidate registration/eligibility issues
  • Test-taking protocols (e.g., being denied reasonable accommodations)
  • Decisions related to alleged cheating, violations of rules of conduct or law, or inaccurate application information
  • Certification maintenance issues
  • Certification disciplinary matters

Matters not described within the above list of possible appeals are not within the purview of the IFPC program and are not appealable to the CMPO. The following are DoD Component decisions that are also not appealable to the CMPO:

  • Certification waiver decisions
  • Employment policy
  • Eligibility criteria for identifying billets or individuals for the IFPC 
  • DoD Component affiliation
  • Appeals Process

Individuals have up to 15 business days from the date of receiving an appealable decision or after completing the assessment, whichever occurs first, to submit an appeal. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the CPMO using the Appeals Request Form. The form must be completed and sent to Individuals submitting an appeal must provide their contact information (unclassified phone number and email address), specific grounds for appeal, and evidence in support of the appeal.

Waiver Policy

Individuals who may have situations arise that would prohibit them from meeting the requirement for maintaining a current IFPC credential may ask for a waiver. This waiver will provide a time extension in order for the individual to complete the necessary requirement. Allowable reasons for a time extension wavier may include military deployment, medical hardship, or any other reason deemed legitimate by the CMPO.

There are no other types of waivers.

Waiver Request Submission, Decision, and Notification

All waiver requests must be submitted using the Waiver Request form and be sent to CPMO at The CPMO is the sole authority for granting waivers. Individuals requesting a waiver will be notified in writing by the CPMO regarding the results of their waiver request within 20 business days of receipt of the waiver request.


For Initial Certification

Candidates may take the IFPC as many times as they wish until they pass. If a candidate does not pass the IFPC on their first attempt, they must wait three months before a second attempt. If a candidate does not pass on the second attempt, they must wait six months before a third attempt. Any attempt at passing the IFPC after a second attempt incurs a six month wait period.  For example, if a candidate first attempted the IFPC on January 1st and did not pass, they may schedule a second attempt on or after April 1st. If the same candidate did not pass on the second attempt (e.g., on April 1st), they must wait until October 1st or later to make a third attempt. If the candidate does not pass on the third attempt, they must wait another six months to try again.

To schedule these subsequent attempts, the candidate does not re-register but must instead contact the CPMO for potential dates.

For Recertification

Candidates may renew their IFPC by retaking the exam three years following their initial conferral or by achieving and maintaining a higher-level certification. If they choose to retest, these individuals would follow the same retest schedule as those taking the exam for an initial certification. Namely, if a recertification candidate does not pass on their first recertification attempt, they must wait three months to take it again. Each attempt at recertification after the second try incurs a six month wait period.