Collection Management
Professional Certification
Overview and Governance
The Certified Collection Management Professional (CCMP) program is a certifying organization that assesses and recognizes military, civilian, and contractor intelligence collection management (CM) professionals who meet the commonly recognized CM standards in the Defense Collection Management Enterprise (DCME). The CCMP program was developed to accomplish the goal set forth by the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (USD(I&S)) to professionalize the Defense Intelligence Enterprise (DIE) workforce. The CCMP supports the DCME through the administration of the CCMP-Fundamental (CCMP-F) professional level certification, which is accredited through 30 Sep 2025 by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA)
The CCMP program is administered by the Joint Staff / J261 (Directorate of Intelligence, Deputy Directorate of Collection Management) through a CCMP Program Management Office (PMO), which is overseen by the CCMP Governance Council (GC). Representatives from each of the Armed Services, the Unified Combatant Commands (CCMDs), and the four Defense Intelligence Components (the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, and the National Security Agency) make up the membership of the GC. In addition, a ‘public member2’ participates on the GC as a voting member.
The CCMP-F assesses CM knowledge that is common, core, and critical to CM activities across the DCME. By earning the CCMP-F, certificants demonstrate knowledge that supports work in joint, multiple-intelligence discipline environments across all echelons of the DCME. The knowledge includes a list of common professional terms and concepts, enabling the transfer of knowledge from a CM position at one DCME organization to any other.
Mission Statement: The CCMP GC approved the following mission statement:
- Document the capabilities needed by collection managers to meet current DCME needs by following a formal process for applying scientifically conducted job and occupational analyses to the development of task, knowledge, skill, and ability standards (called Essential Bodies of Knowledge, or EBoKs).
- Support development of an interoperable CM workforce through valid, EBoK-aligned assessments of individual capabilities.
- Promote ongoing professional competence through assessment of certification renewal requirements.
- Encourage engagement in the professional CM community through increasing awareness of and recognizing participation in community activities.
- Demonstrate fair and effective practices by obtaining and maintaining OUSD(I&S)-directed accreditation with the National Commission for Certifying Agencies.
The CCMP PMO: The CCMP PMO can answer your questions about the program and assist you with enrollment. The CCMP PMO is also the central point of contact for certificant verification and maintenance (i.e., renewal) of the credential. Application forms, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), and contractor forms are available via the CCMP webpage on JWICS, via the link in the AGILE exam description, or by contacting the CCMP PMO.
Contact Information: (best method is JWICS email) See below.
Intelink Sites: access to both require Common Access Card sign-on via CAC reader; user may need to request access to this page
- Primary:
- Secondary:
- Tertiary: (this page)
CCMP PMO Chief: 202-231-2715
CCMP PMO Deputy: 202-231-1061
CCMP PMO Exam Coordinator: 202-231-5385 (best)
CCMP PMO Staff: 202-231-8377, -1239, -2676
Note: Due to OPSEC and classification considerations, a list of certificants is not available on unclassified systems, but in many cases, individual certificant status can be verified by emailing the CCMP PMO.
JWICS (please log into JWICS to access these links):
CCMP PMO Email: (best)
Candidate and Exam Information
Click the link to download the CCMP-F Candidate Handbook.
Eligibility: The CCMP-F exam is open to any individual who:
- Is a DoD or IC military, civilian, or contractor
- Has been granted a TS/SCI clearance at the time of the certification assessment.
Additionally, contractors must submit a signed form from their contracting officer (or CO Representative) during the application process. The CCMP PMO offers exams at no cost through the program’s worldwide network of testing centers. Candidates may enroll in the exam on AGILE on JWICS at by searching for offering “DIA-INC-5002”.
Note: while not a strict eligibility requirement, the exam is delivered on JWICS using iCademy, with enrollment through AGILE. The CCMP PMO will endeavor to help candidates navigate these processes if they don’t already have them, but it not responsible for instances where these technical issues cannot be overcome.
The CCMP program does not discriminate based on any of the following: race, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy or childbirth), religion, age, disability (physical or mental), sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, political affiliation, or genetic information.
Personnel who helped develop the exam or had access to the entire exam or any answers, must wait a minimum of one year after their last involvement with exam content before they can take the exam to prevent an undue advantage.
Requesting Reasonable Accommodations: In compliance with “The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,” “The Rehabilitation Act of 1973,” and DoD Administrative Instruction #114, “Reasonable Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities,” the CCMP PMO and/or exam facility will coordinate to provide applicants with reasonable accommodations for applicants with documented disabilities. Candidates should submit verification of their need for accommodation and a statement of the specific type of assistance needed in writing to the CCMP PMO or exam facility at least 45 days prior to the desired exam date. See the Candidate Handbook or contact the CCMP PMO for more details on this.
Note: Neither the CCMP PMO nor the exam facility need to know the reason for the requested accommodation (i.e., the nature of the disability). The program does not ‘validate’ a candidate’s need for special accommodations, the program only needs official verification of the need for and type of accommodation. For more details, see the section of the same name in the CCMP-F Candidate Handbook.
The CCMP-F Exam Form B - End date Jan 2021.
The CCMP-F Exam Form C Pilot - End date Sept 2021.
Exam Form C version details (starting in Dec 2021 - exact end date TBD):
- The CCMP-F exam form C is aligned to the EBoK 3.0 (WHITE cover), published in Dec 2020. All form C exam items are drawn from the EBoK 3.0 (full version, on JWICS).
Exam Form C Production version details:
- The production version of CCMP-F exam form C consists of 150 multiple-choice questions, with each item having 4 options, only one of which is correct.
- Candidates taking CCMP-F exam form C will have three hours to complete the exam.
- The CCMP-F exam form C is as follows: 10% IFC, 24% CMC, 26% CMS, and 40% CMF
- Form C exam scores will be available within 10 business days (usually within 3).
Candidates enroll for the exam using the AGILE learning management system on JWICS. Candidates take the exam online via the iCademy software (also on JWICS). The program administers exams at 18+ approved global exam facilities who schedule their own exam sessions based on demand. Most facilities schedule monthly, quarterly, or biannual exams based on the size of their local CM workforce. The list of exam facilities is on the CCMP PMO JWICS site. The program lists exam sessions on AGILE, on the CCMP PMO JWICS site, and on some exam facility pages. Each exam facility has proctors assigned by their organization who are trained by the CCMP PMO to administer the exam in a consistent manner at all locations. For more information, see the CCMP-F Candidate Handbook.
The CCMP-F Candidate Handbook, EBoK (the published program standards), and other resources are available as a free download at the TS/SCI level on the JWICS website. Candidates should prepare for the exam by any method they deem beneficial, which may include attending training or reviewing CM-related study materials. The CCMP PMO does not require candidates to complete any training prior to attempting the certification exam. Additionally, the CCMP PMO does not endorse (and is not affiliated with) any courses, training, or materials developed for the sole purpose of preparing for the CCMP-F exam.
The CCMP-F exam is proctored by trained personnel who have been screened to have no conflict of interest with candidates. Proctored exams ensure consistency of the testing environment (including providing standardized instructions for completing the exam), enable proctors to monitor for unethical behavior including cheating, and enable documentation of any exam event discrepancies (including exam interruptions or technical difficulties). If you experience any irregularities, including proctor irregularities, feel free to report them via email to the CCMP PMO via the addresses listed above. The CCMP PMO investigates each reported incident, determines the extent of the impact and attempts to identify the root cause. The CCMP PMO then will develop appropriate response measures, select and implement one, monitor for outcome, then document the results. The program reports these to the NCCA, when appropriate.
There are no other criteria for earning the CCMP-F credential than passing the CCMP-F exam. If candidates pass, the CCMP PMO will notify them that they have earned the credential and been assigned to a certification period starting the first of the month following their exam date. The length of their certification period is described in the Candidate Handbook.
Candidates who do not pass are given feedback designed to help them understand how much they were deficient, so that they can improve their scores on the subsequent attempt. See the Candidate Handbook for more details.
Retesting and Adverse Certification Decisions: Candidates who fail will receive feedback on their performance, including on areas that need improvement. Candidates may re-take the exam after a 90-day wait period. If a candidate fails the exam twice or more, they must take some sort of training event or self-study prior to each subsequent attempt. For more information, see the CCMP-F Candidate Handbook.
The CCMP-F Candidate Handbook discusses adverse certification decisions (e.g., denial of eligibility or recertification, disciplinary actions).
Renewing Your Credential
Maintenance and Renewal: The CCMP-F credential, once earned, lasts for two years. At that point, certificants must successfully retest or submit a log of professional development activities for approval to the CCMP PMO. The CCMP PMO will review proposed professional development activities documented in the CCMP Professional Development Unit (PDU) Log for credit. You must receive 100 CCMP PMO-approved PDUs within the two-year certification cycle to renew your credential. The CCMP-F Candidate Handbook discusses the Maintenance and Renewal policies and procedures in more detail.
Note: Due to the COVID pandemic and the impact it has had on operations conducted by the workforce, the CCMP GC has approved a six-month extension to all certificants during this period. The period went from March 2020 to November 2021. As long as you've been a certificant during any part of this period, you are granted the six-month extension.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the CCMP PMO.
[1] The J26 is staffed and funded through the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). DIA is a member of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE). The CCMP program receives its financial resources to support ongoing certification and recertification processes through programmatic allocations through the DIA. The DIA budget consists of justified requirements and is analyzed by DoD and Congressional budget committees. Due to the sensitive nature of business conducted within the intelligence community, release of specific financial documents is prohibited to the public due to national security reasons as outlined by DoD Directive 7045.14.
[2] The CCMP GC public member represents the population that benefits from CCMP-F certificants’ goods or service, usually a senior all-source analyst or collector.